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    Climate change is the process of temperatures, weather patterns, and other such things change, pretty simple. Global warming is the heating of our planet, climate change is a result of global warming. Climate change may be natural, but the rate at which is happening isn't. 

    Climate change is a natural phenomenon, but the rate at which is happening now is alarming. Plants and animals have no time to adapt to changing conditions. Even though climate change is a natural process, the rapid increase in temperatures is directly connected to us as humans. The amounts of emissions and pollution we create each year is staggering, it keeps growing and the temperatures keep rising.

    In our project, we show how climate change is affecting us locally. Our understanding of climate change is demonstrated in our poster by showing facts and numbers about the state of our snowpack, and in our model by comparing the snowpack from the past to today.

    My biggest area of growth was time management for sure. I can't say I grew much during this project but I learned that I need to improve my time management skills. I tend to get easily distracted and just ‘slack off’, especially when I'm with a friend. For this project my partner was Jacob, and as we are close friends we get easily distracted when we are together.

    To be 100% honest, I don't know what my biggest strength was. I could have done a lot better during this project. It's a lot easier to see where I need growth rather than where I did well. I'm not saying I didn't do anything well, I just don't think I put in maximum effort to make my project look good. I just settle for mediocre instead of striving for better.

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